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8 cheapest supermarkets in italy .. Grocery and food shops 2023


In this article, we will cover the best 8 cheapest supermarkets in Italy that offer great groceries, food, and many different products at very cheap and affordable prices.

There are several amazing bargains and offers available that may help you save money on all of your daily necessities. we’ve compiled a list of the cheapest grocery store in italy.

cheapest supermarkets in italy

About Italy supermarkets

Italy is located in south-central Europe on a peninsula famous for its many natural landscapes such as the Alps, glacial lakes and turquoise caves. It is one of the European Union countries with a capitalist economy and developed infrastructure.

Italy supermarkets range in size from small to medium to large, with the latter being more common in urban areas.

Dairy, cheese, and eggs are not usually stored in refrigerators, but are heat treated to combat germs and keep them from rotting for a longer period of time.

You can buy a lot of  different products from italian grocery stores, including fresh pasta, frozen foods, penut butter, and fresh milk using credit cards.

What can you buy from İtalian frocery stores?

The following are some of the most popular items you can find at an Italian grocery store:

• Pasta – Pasta is a staple food item in every household across the world. You can buy fresh or dried pasta at any Italian grocery store. Fresh pasta is sold in long strands and comes in various shapes like penne, rigatoni, ziti, etc. Dried pasta comes indifferent sizes, shapes, and colors. It is usually made from wheat flour, eggs, water, salt, and sometimes oil.

• Fresh food is also something also you can buy in most Supermarket Italy.

The best thing about buying fresh food is that it is much cheaper than the frozen or canned foods. You will be able to save a lot of money if you are planning to eat out for lunch or dinner.

Supermarket prices in Italy

Prices vary depending on the type of product you want to purchase. Here are some examples of what you should expect to pay for each item:

  • 1 kilo bag of rice costs around €1.50
  • A kilo of milk costs around €2.00
  • A kilo box of pasta costs around €3.00
  • A loaf of bread costs around €0.60
  • A kilo bag of sugar costs around €1.20
  • A kilo pack of tea bags costs around €1.30
  • A kilo packet of coffee costs around €1.40

Types of Grocery Stores in Italy

Supermarkets in Italy vary greatly in size and structure, They can be found in almost every city and town in Italy. The following types of grocery stores exist in Italy:

• Local supermarket

• Hypermarket

• Convenience store

• Cash & carry

• Food market

• Vegetable stand

• Fruit stand

• Meat counter

• Fish counter

• Bakery

How To Pronounce Supermarket in Italian

Supermercato is Italian for “supermarket”.

Where to find supermarkets in Italy

Supermarkets are found almost everywhere in Italy, and they offer a wide range of products. The most common types of supermarkets are hypermarket (supermercati), which sell foodstuffs, household goods, clothing, etc., and supermarket (alimentari). Supermarkets can be large or small, depending on the size of their catchment area.

list of cheap supermarkets in Italy

Lidl İtaly

As well as being distinctive in that Market Lidl sells products from global names, the majority of shoppers believe Lidl clothing to be very well-made with no defects. The store’s clothing and footwear are both made using high-quality fabrics and threads.

Everything available at Lidl shops, whether for adults or children, is appropriate for everyone, and they guarantee water-repellent clothing suited for both adults and children, as well as exceptionally low pricing. Therefore , you can be sure that the clothes you buy will not only look good but also be comfortable to wear.

lidl italy

Conad supermarket in Italy

The best supermarket created in Italy and Italian retailer brand with the largest supermarket chains in Italy, has nearly 3000 sales centers (shops – supermarkets – supermarkets) nationwide, and it is an organization that operates in several levels.

The first level is the member businessmen who own retail windows, the second is the shopping and distribution centers ( Cooperatives), and the third is the National Union Authority that provides services to companies and members.

Conad Italian market is distinguished by its local product such as local fruits and vegeitables.

Conad italian market account for 24 percent of grocery sales in Italy, as the well-known Italian supermarket provides a wide range of groceriy in Italy items.

Conad Supermarket starts working at eight in the morning and closes at nine in the evening.

Carrefour İtaly

Carrefour is a French market specialized in retail sales, with numerous nationalities and over 1000 commercial branches across Italy, apart from its extensive presence in many nations around the globe, particularly the European Union, the Middle East, Southeast Asia, and South America.

In Italy, it ranks fifith in retail commerce, owing mostly to its merger with Promude’s, which is responsible for supermarkets and convenience shops.

Bennet italy supermarket

Bennet italy is a chain of stores supermarkets distributed in northern Italy and includes about 71 retail centers, pricing products according to the percentage of its quality and relies on this policy as a priority in its dealings with customers.

Bennet can be considred as one of the cheapest grocery store in italy with a lot of different offers and discounts.

Bennet İtaly also offers and discounts it offers aimed at expanding its fan base, and recently activated the premium shopping service for Bennet Home card holders that allows to shop online for groceries in İtaly and recieve food

ALDI supermarket in Italy

It has more than 45 sales centers in Italy , managed by about 1,500 employees with diverse competencies, and the number is increasing to a large number, as it indicates

Expectations, this company has added a strong impetus to the labor and employment sector in Italy, and is one of the most important retailers

International offers and advertisements of large standard discounts, whose sales combine product quality and the convenience of dealing with it.

Esselunga supermarket in Italy

An Italian supermarket chain founded by Italian partners in 1957 ranks fourth as one of the most profitable companies, Within the European retail sector.

The Esselunga supermarket is known for its fresh produce and delicious food between meat and cheese dishes and İtalian Pasta and the finest sauces and appetizers.

About 20,000 employees work in this company in its various branches, and it is considered the first super marketplace providing online shopping service in Italy.

Famila supermarket in Italy

A commercial network with more than 6000 employees consisting of 260 centers and 500 commercial branches, which is an extensive Italian supermarket chain.

The famous İtalian supermarket started in 1984 when the first Italian store was opened under the name ipermercato famila.

Famila is now available in several different sizes among the small neighborhood stores, which have an area of less than 1500 square meters of selling space.

cheapest grocery store in italy

Cash&Carry supermarket in Italy

It ranks second in Italy in the cash and carry sector, with about 90 stores, and has expanded its range of products to be one of the most reliable brands in Italy, with a first-class professional reputation, and its stores vary between restaurants, cafes and cheap supermarkets in İtaly.

Wholesale products from Italy

Italy is one of the greatest nations for wholesale items, combining excellent quality with cheap costs. Italy wholesale clothing is among the best you can purchase.

Buying clothes from Italy online

Italy is famous for having good quality and cheap clothes at the same time where you can buy the best clothes that you want and dream about, you can find the best and cheapest clothes in Italy in our guide.

Names of food in Italian

The following list has the names of the most important

foods in Italian:

  • Beef = Manzo
  • Cheese = Formaggio
  • Chicken = Pollo
  • Chips = Patatine fritte
  • Dessert = Dessert / Dolce
  • Eggs = Uova
  • Fish = Pesce
  • Hamburger = Hamburger
  • Lamb = Agnello
  • Mashed potato = Purè di patate
  • Meat = Carne
  • Pasta = Pasta
  • Pizza = Pizza
  • Risotto = Risotto
  • Salad = Insalata
  • Salami = Salame
  • Sausages = Salsicce
  • Tomato sauce = Salsa di pomodoro
  • Turkey = Tacchino
  • Veal = Vitello


  • Apple = Mela
  • Apricot = Albicocca
  • Blackberry = Mora
  • Blueberry = Mirtillo
  • Cherry = Ciliegia
  • Coconut = Cocco
  • Fig = Fico
  • Grapes = Uva
  • Kiwi = Kiwi
  • Lemon = Limone
  • Melon = Melone
  • Orange = Arancia
  • Peach = Pesca
  • Pear = Pera
  • Pineapple = Ananas
  • Plum = Prugna / Susina
  • Pomegranate = Melagrana
  • Raspberry = Lampone
  • Watermelon = Anguria


  • Artichoke = Carciofo
  • Asparagus = Asparago
  • Aubergine = Melanzana
  • Beans = Fagioli
  • Beetroot = Barbabietola
  • Broccoli = Broccoli
  • Bell pepper = Peperone
  • Cabbage = Cavolo
  • Cauliflower = Cavolfiore
  • Celery = Sedano
  • Courgette = Zucchina
  • Cucumber = Cetriolo
  • Lentils = Lenticchie
  • Lettuce = Lattuga
  • Mushrooms = Funghi
  • Pumpkin = Zucca
  • Tomato = Pomodoro
Where Can I Buy Italian Food in Italy?

One of the best ways to shop for groceries in Italy is to visit one of the many supermarkets located throughout the country.

What is a supermarket in Italian?

Supermarkets in Italy are called supermercati (or super), super or, in English: supermarkets. You can ask for them by saying “per favore, c’è un supermercato di fronte?” = please, is there an [supermarket] near?

Where is supermarkets located in Italy?

Supermarkets may be located in city centre but usually they’re found near residential areas because of parking issues, aesthetics and convenience reasons.

Where can I find supermarkets in Italy?

You can find supermarkets in Italy almost everywhere.

What are the different food aisles in Italian supermarkets?

General food aisle: These take up most of the supermarket space and sell everything from breakfast staples to snacks and pasta. Free-from aisle: More and more common in Italian grocery stores and carry everything from gluten-free foods and dairy milk alternatives to meat substitutes.

Where can I buy fish in Italy?

You can buy fresh fish at any time of day or night; however, most supermarkets offer frozen fish for sale during the day.

What are the toiletry products in this section?

Basic toiletries like toothbrushes and toothpaste, soap, deodorant, women’s sanitary towels, creams, wet wipes, diapers, and so on are typically found in this section.

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